Hardware FAQ

This message may be showed up when the system can not recognize huperLab’s product. We also can not see the product at Device Manager at the same time, either.

In the meantime we may see two different kind of situation as following.

I. There is a unknown device on Device Manager

Please reload the product’s driver from the current machine. Please find the place where you installed huperLab’s software and search huperlab\hupervision\driver\hmcap2r\Uninstall.exe. Run Uninstall.exe then restart this machine. Windows may reload the driver automatically. If not, please search huperlab\hupervision\driver\hmcap2r\BtSetup.exe and run it. Making sure you can see them at Device Manager.

 II.Nothing strange on Device Manager

The PCI-e slot may unable to detect the capture card. Please try to switch to another slot or restart this computer again. We suggest the priority slot is the one for graphics card. What if you couldn’t see it after switch to another PCI-e slot. This product may be broken.

This issue may occur after the whole system crash or remove the capture card without reload the driver. Please follow the following step to fix it.

Apply the authorization

Please wake the Command Prompt with administrator authority and register everything that huperLab’s software needs by HMReg.bat. It’s located huperlab\hupervision\SDK. Please key-in, cd c:\huperlab\hupervision\SDK on Command Prompt and run it. Then key-in HMReg.bat and run it. After the process is done, please run the Site Server.

 Reload the product driver

Please reload the product’s driver from the current machine. Please find the place where you installed huperLab’s software and search huperlab\hupervision\driver\hmcap2r\Uninstall.exe. Run Uninstall.exe then restart this machine. Windows may reload the driver automatically. If not, please search huperlab\hupervision\driver\hmcap2r\BtSetup.exe and run it. Making sure you can see them at Device Manager.

This situation may occur when user keeps multiple license keys. huperLab’s software provides a App can see what kind of license key be recognized on this machine. Please find the SyslicenseInfo.exe which located huperlab\hupervision\bin

This App shows you what kind of device on this machine. If you couldn’t see the product, please follow the below step to make it works.


If the product is capture card

Please make sure the PCI-e slot which the capture card works with have its own bandwidth. Many PCI-e slot on low level motherboards doen’t direct from CPU. It’s from motherboard’s chipset and shared the bandwidth with other device. In this case, we suggest plug our device to work on the main slot which usually works with graphics card. If you don’t know that motherboard can work with more than one capture cards, please contact the motherboard’s supplier.


If the product is USB dongle

huperLab’s USB dongle supports hot swap. If you can’t see the device on our software, please try to switch to another USB.

Sometime this situation is due to the power on the USB port not enough, too. If the motherboard can recognize it, you can see it at Device Manager.