huperLab Retail Solution​

huperLab Retail Solution featuring a high-value video analytics solution that provides proactive monitoring, video forensic research and high accuracy of analytic results for retailers. As the business intelligence is getting more important, with huperLab’s accurate analytic data, the retailers are able to take full advantage of it and learn the customer satisfaction and marketing evaluation at a time.


huperVision Retail Solution for retails covers these Business Intelligence in vertical applications.


Business Intelligence Application​

  • Quickly analyze customer traffic flow (peak time) in the store
  • Identify hot zones and hot products in the store
  • Differentiate children from adults among customers
  • Differentiate customer’s age and genders
  • Evaluate in-store marketing activities

Efficient In-store Staff Arrangement

  • Timely allocate on-site staff to hot zones
  • Improve sales services and marketing support
  • Reduce labor waste in some areas

Improve Customer Services & Satisfaction

  • Instantly learn the in-store people flow and adjust air conditioning
  • Proper staff approach to the customers in crowds who may need help
  • Monitor queue length to reduce customer’s wait time in the check-
    out register


Shopping Malls & 3C Shops

Sightseeing Spots

Clothes Stores

Grocery Stores & Supermarkets

Luxury Stores

Amusement Parks

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